Lost in a Mall in Maine


I saw the cake. It could only mean one thing: Lena was home.

She cooks all the time and watches the Food Network, constantly baking delicious challah breads that few can resist. In fact, Lena is such a foodie that when we saw the movie, Chef, she recognized a real food trucker during the credits.

While Lena is still young (a few years out of college), she is wise. But she wasn’t always.

Back in the day, during middle-school-Halloween shopping, she got lost in our town’s one-story mall. She ran to the front desk and got two security guards to escort her while her mom shopped at Sears.

Now, you must understand, this mall is tiny. Here’s an example: no Forever 21. (I know.)

When Lena got lost, she was searching for flip flops for some exquisite costume. So why was she at Pretzel Time?

I think there’s a lesson in every story, or maybe I think that’s bullshit. But at least there’s a lesson here: Macy’s.


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