Listening Lost


As I stroll through my college campus, I see people tuning in to their iPhones, savvy with their Beats, walking to class or running on the treadmill and rock’n out. This is a solid 40% of what I see, apart from the red-brick buildings and the autumn leaves.







I love my friends (I really do), and it’s not their fault. I’m not blaming anyone. But the truth is, no one listens to anyone. We listen to songs and albums, but there is a lack of personal communication.

As a potential music major, I find that ironic. I find myself ironic, a hypocrite. Maybe I should join the Beats Club as a regular. In fact, Beats define me. But when I’m with a group of people, I try to listen. It’s just hard. There are distractions. When I’m with Tom, I get a snapchat from Sally. Or vice versa.

We are never content with the people who stand next to us, sit on our beds, and relax on our couches. We are never content with the people we are with.


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